Why you should start a YouTube channel in 2023…

Starting a YouTube channel is something that I have wanted to do since I was in my teens back when YouTube first became popular. Back then I was terrified of what people would think, and worried that people would laugh at me behind my back. Kids in high school can be very mean.

Now that I am in my 30s, I am over caring what people may or may not (and probably won’t) say about me. And I have also learnt that a lot of insecurity stems from the ‘Spotlight Effect’ psychological phenomenon, which explains that people go about their lives believing that there is a giant spotlight on them, and that everyone is watching them, noticing what they are doing, and that they are pretty much the centre of everyone’s universe.

In reality, people are way more worried about themselves and what they are doing and pay very little attention to what others are doing in a social context. I no longer worry about posting videos online, and have come to understand the value that a YouTube platform can bring to a person’s personal and professional brand. In addition to personal branding and business opportunities that YouTube may bring me, I also like the fact that I am able to share some of the experiences that I have had as an LPC student and trainee solicitor.

In this video, I share some of the best things about starting a YouTube channel. If you have been thinking about starting YouTube for a while, take this as your sign to start TODAY.

Camilla :)


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