Chapter 2022

‘Happy New Year to anyone reading this blog post!

Goodbye 2021

If social media made you feel like everyone except from you made a plethora of memories in the sun this year, then you are not alone. We all know that instagram is a highlights reel, but that still didn’t help me feeling like I had wasted 2021, barely leaving my flat and making very few insta-worthy memories.

This feeling only lasted for a few moments. I took a step back, and thought about all of the things I had achieved this year: Whilst I haven’t left the house much, I finished the first year of my LPC with a distinction, reached 23,000 downloads on The Student Lawyer Podcast, started this blog, started a YouTube channel where I have published 22 videos and gained almost 300 subscribers, redecorated my flat and majorly decluttered my belongings.

Those are all things that mean a lot to me, and I wouldn’t change the way I spent last year even if I could. Sure, it would have been nice to go on holiday in 2021, but there are plenty more years left for going on holiday. We don’t have to fit everything into one year.

So if you are feeling down because you didn’t make the ‘right’ kind of memories to make an aesthetically pleasing Instagram highlights reel, dig a little deeper. Maybe 2021 was the year that you stayed home and organised yourself, or maybe 2021 was the year you relaxed - those are all equally amazing ways that you could have spent last year.

Hello 2022

I am full of hope and excitement for this year. This year one of my best friends gets married, so I am very excited to celebrate this new chapter of her life.

For me, this will be a year of change. I will start my new role as a trainee solicitor in London. This has been something I have wanted since 2008, and that I have been working tirelessly for since 2019 when I started making training contract applications alongside my full-time job (which pretty much took over my life).

I will be saying goodbye to my current organisation, where I have worked since November 2012. I will be leaving a couple of months before my ten year work-iversary. It is going to feel like a huge change, but I couldn’t be more ready!

Goals for this year

I don’t think I have ever written my goals down before, but it’s commonly known that if you write your goals down you are more likely to achieve them, so here goes…

  1. I will finish my LPC with distinction

  2. Start my training contract and be the best trainee solicitor possible

  3. Read at least 10 books

  4. Build a new stream of passive income from my blog/YouTube channel

  5. Work out regularly at the gym

  6. Be very intentional and disciplined with the way I spend my time and money

I will revisit these at the end of 2022 and see how I did. Meanwhile, I’d love to hear what goals you have set for this year!

Camilla x


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