Why I’m starting to journal

I spend today going through my old diaries from 2004 - 2005, when I was in year 10 and 11, including my high school yearbook.

I cannot remember being such an avid diary keeper back then, but I really was quite the little writer! I filled a whole notepad for my friend when she was away on holiday so I could give it to her when she got back and keep her updated on all of the high-school drama that had being going on while she was away.

I was literally howling (and cringing) at some of the hilarious things that I wrote down - and sketched. The amazing thing is that the diaries and journals sparked memories that I thought were long forgotten. I suddenly had vivid memories of things, situations, adventures and people that I genuinely wouldn’t have been able to recall without seeing my diaries and journals.

I must have stopped keeping a diary after I left school which is a shame, but I am going to start writing at least a page a day from now on. Having memories from such a dynamic time in my life is priceless and I cannot wait to document my life again so that I can look back in another 20 years and laugh (and probably cringe) at the things I am writing now.

It is said that journalling has additional benefits such as helping to improve your mood, organise your thoughts, help you to work through problems, as well as enabling you to track progress and growth -so I will be testing those benefits out as well, and sharing how I’ve found the experience here on my blog in a few weeks’ time.

Let me know in the comments below if you have any tips for journalling!

Camilla x


Chapter 2022


How to stop procrastinating