My Payday Routine

Budgeting and planning my finances are two things that used to fill me with dread, but the more you understand where each penny is going, the more in control you feel and the less scary and anxiety-inducing managing your finances will feel.

Having a payday routine has enabled me to work out exactly what money is accounted for right at the start of the month, and lets me know exactly what I have left to save and invest. Most importantly, it forces me to pay myself first before I end up blowing my money on stuff I don’t need, and makes sure that I get closer to achieving my financial goals.

I now look forward to tracking the money I spend and it feels so liberating knowing that I am in control!

Check out the video for a step-by-step guide showing you how I budget my monthly salary, and the comments section contains a link to the budget spreadsheet I use!

Camilla x


How I spend my 40k salary as a trainee lawyer living in London


How I saved £60k in 3 years | How to save money in 2021